Translation for education: why is it important?

Translation for education

In many parts of the world, diversity exists. Globalization played a great role in leading immigration and even multiculturalism. Students from all over the world can travel other parts of the world to pursue education. However, this opportunity for students follows a great deal of challenge, which is language. In order for students to participate in the school life, they must understand the language. This applies to not only the students taking courses and exams at schools but also parents of the students.

Some countries require international students to take ESL or English as a Second Language classes to help students. However, this only applies to countries where English is the first official language. A lot of other non-English speaking countries do not even have ESL classes for students. Because of this, there is a great demand for translation agencies like I’M Translation to provide affordable translationservices for education and academic institutions to help translate various education-related documents including exams, academic research papers, manuals, textbooks, brochures, websites etc.

Especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, over the phone interpretation services or even video conference interpretation services are required for teachers, students and students’ parents to communicate efficiently about students’ education goals and processes.

So, why is it important?

Often times, students need translation services not only for their papers, or exams but also for documents required for them to study internationally. For instance, if students have finished high school education in their home countries, they need to have their degrees or credits translated and validated. It is essentially important for students to have international recognition for all of their previous education history so that they may study in other countries.

There are also graduate students who need their research papers being published internationally. In order for them to publish their papers and articles at places such as scholarly journal websites etc., they normally have to submit it in English. Many graduate students that are not from English speaking countries struggle when they need to translate and localize their papers. As accurate and precise translation is greatly needed for academic essays and papers, qualifiedtranslators who have great education knowledge are needed.

Translators who are familiar with education terminologies and contents can offer precise translation services.

Translators at I’M Translation are able to translate the following:

l  Diplomas

l  Degrees

l  Research papers and essays

l  Teaching materials

l  Notices

l  Report cards

l  Test materials

l  Brochures

l  Pamphlets

l  Forms for students and parents

l  Legal documents

l  Class schedules

l  Schedules for extracurricular activities

l  Course description

Why I’M Translation?

At I’MTranslation, we are aware of the needs translation and interpretation services for education sector. We offer needs translation and interpretation services in more than 30+ languages. Hiring professional translation agencies like I’M Translation can definitely benefit your business as we provide precise and accurate translation and interpretation services for education.

A business confidentiality and corporate nondisclosure agreement binds all I'M Translation translators and transcribers. I'M Translation takes security and confidentiality extremely seriously. Visit us at and to request a free quote. Thank you!


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