What is Multicultural Marketing and why is it important?


What is Multicultural Marketing and why is it important?

Multicultural marketing opens new paths for businesses and brands to engage with different audience from different cultural backgrounds. Multicultural marketing is creating and implementing a campaign that is for audience of different ethnicities and cultures.

The need for brands or businesses to consider diversity is increasing, especially among future generations. Especially in the West, the largest living generation are the millennials of from different cultural backgrounds. Recent study suggested that about 70% of millennials would select a brand based on the diversity and inclusion displayed in brands’ advertisements or offers.

Why language is the solution for multicultural marketing

Making or creating creative content or marketing messages or materials can be discouraging. Not only the linguistic aspect of it, but also cultural aspect of it must be implemented, and this is why it seems challenging. Studies have found that about 80% of customers would stay loyal to brands that share emotional values over hard information. Meaning that people like brands that they could engage emotionally rather than reading hard long information of brands.

Through this study, it shows how important it is for brands to stay true to customers’ identities and values. Marketing messages are essentially important as people have different identities including race, age, religion, economic class, social class, sexual orientation as well as gender. These identities play an important role as people view or experience the world differently. And because of this, most people want to engage when they see or relate themselves in brands’ messages.

Examples of Multicultural marketing

1.   Fenty Beauty- “Beauty for All”


Fenty was an inclusive marketing. The message that this campaign sent was that every woman is beautiful and that every woman should feel included. As this brand launched over 40 foundation shades giving more options for women from different cultural backgrounds and race.

2.   Coca-Cola- America is Beautiful


Coca Cola’s America is Beautiful campaign showed the multiculturalism encouraging and supporting immigrants.

3.   Nike: You Can’t Stop Us


    “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign by Nike represents diversity and multicultural audiences. The campaign shows several athletes from all around the world with different cultural backgrounds. It showed that people are connected regardless of cultural difference.

Multiple marketing translation goes beyond direct translation as it involves transcreation

Transcreation is a combination of translation and creation. Transcreation does not focus on words to convey messages, rather it involves recreation of original text in a new language while maintaining the intention, original style or the tone of the text. It includes idioms, slangs, and other cultural and social aspects of target languages.

Transcreation includes linguistic ability but also creative aspects. Due to its natural characteristics, transcreation is often used in marketing departments. In order for businesses to focus on its brand or products, having creative marketing content is crucial when attempting to reach out to global audience with different cultural backgrounds. Creating an ad copy is the most important role for many marketing departments, and in order to do so, they often hire translation agencies to make a whole new copy in the target language. As advertising copies need to have idioms, slangs or even puns, the main idea of it is to not translate texts literally.

How might I’M Translation and ISiS Korea aid with multicultural marketing translation?

At I’M Translation and ISiS Korea, we can connect you with a professional translators for multicultural marketing. We have over 30+ languages available on our platform and we are flexible and available regardless of the language pair, topic, and time zone. Please visit us at www.imtranslation.com and www.isiskorea.com/eng to request a free translation quote. Thank you!


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