Interpreting and Translating in the Age of COVID19


Interpreting and Translating in the Age of COVID19

There have been significant changes in all of our lifestyles over the past two years. When the corona-virus first broke out, many businesses had to adapt to the tide of change to keep up with everything that was happening around them. Changes that were thought to be temporary have already become the new normal and new daily life. It seems that the non-face-to-face era will continue. Many companies have already started offering online services. One of them is the whole translation business.

The language services that have been most adversely affected by the corona-virus have been face-to-face translation and interpretation, especially in the travel and business sectors. Due to the corona virus, travel was minimized, so the field of interpretation, which was well used face-to-face, was affected the most negatively.

However, translation and interpretation services medical services prospered and grew due to the massive shift in online healthcare, telemedicine has increased the demand for remote interpreters and translators. In addition to medical services, many Korean companies working with overseas companies have been having conference calls which is to communicate through online zoom meetings, therefore the number of companies requiring remote interpreters has increased.

Translation and interpretation before COVID19

To better understand how the corona-virus has changed the world of translation and interpretation, we need to consider what it was like before the corona-virus. Before 2020, many businesses were not accustomed to working from home or offering their products and services online.

The need for face-to-face translation has almost disappeared due to the corona-virus, which has increased the demand in the online translation market. Many translation companies have had to find a way to work remotely. ISIS Korea and I’MTranslation, too, had to find a way to work from home so that we could continue to provide translation and interpretation services to our customers.

Zoom meetings, online calls have become important ways to communicate

Zoom meetings, video calls, and video conferencing have become the most important ways to communicate. In this way, businesses can easily communicate with their customers and employees, making it useful for providing translation and interpretation services.

This has raised the quality standards and expectations of translators and interpreters to a very high level. In the medical field, error-free translation and interpretation must be provided. Therefore, it is important to have an interpreter with reliable skills. You need a professional interpreter to convey the details of the conversation without a single omission or change. For example, during simultaneous interpretation of a seminar, the interpreter must interpret everything in the meeting, even mistakes. Deviating from what the interpreter is saying can disrupt communication and lead to severe misunderstandings between all parties involved. For this reason, you should work with a qualified translation company.

How might I’MTranslation and ISiS Korea aid with translation and interpretation service?

At I’M Translation and ISiS Korea, we can connect you with a professional translators and interpreters. We have over 30+ languages available on our platform and we are flexible and available regardless of the language pair, topic, and time zone. Please visit us at and to request a free translation and interpretation quote. Thank you!



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