Everything you need to know about legal translation


Everything you need to know about legal translation

Due to globalization, the demand for translation services in each field is increasing in various ways. Legal translation is no exception. So, what exactly is legal translation?

Legal translation involves the country's administrative system. It also includes translations of financial documents, reports, transcripts, patents, and more. Legal translation services are also required for litigation documents, immigration documents, articles of incorporation, wills and trust documents.

The terms of the law are not easy to understand by ordinary people, so for a smooth translation, you need to hire a professional legal translation company. At I’M Translation and ISiS Korea, we hire professional legal translators to translate legal documents through the laws of each country.

​Judicial Interpreter vs. Legal Translator

Are you curious about the difference between a judicial interpreter and a legal translator? Judicial interpreters interpret police and prosecutors' investigations and statements about the increasing number of foreign criminals in each court and courtroom. They act as a court interpreter for the foreign language so that statements can be delivered accurately. Judicial interpreters are those who have obtained a qualification as an expert in charge of legal interpretation. A judicial interpreter simultaneously interprets the language spoken in courtroom confessions, interviews, and video conferences.

Legal translators translate written content contained in legal documents such as contracts and patents, medical and court documents. Legal translators work from one language to another while preserving the original meaning of legal documents and materials. Legal translators will take your legal background into account when translating.

How might I’MTranslation and ISiS Korea aid legal translations?

At I’M Translation and ISiS Korea, we can connect you with a professional legal translators and interpreters. We have over 30+ languages available on our platform and we are flexible and available regardless of the language pair, topic, and time zone. Please visit us at www.imtranslation.com and www.isiskorea.com/eng to request a free translation and interpretation quote. Thank you!



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