Mistakes in medical translation

Mistakes in medical translation

Always important are the translation's accuracy and meeting the date. Precision is the most crucial aspect of a medical translation.

An urgent translation's completion date frequently appears to be a matter of life or death, and translation precision is always crucial. However, when translating a medical paper, accuracy is frequently the most crucial factor.

1. A regular Mistake: abbreviations

Abbreviations, which are frequently used in medical translations, present a unique issue for translators. There are frequently numerous possible abbreviations for the same term, and occasionally the same abbreviation is used for several terms. Between 1,500 and 30,000 medical errors in the United States were found to be the result of unclear abbreviations, according to a research.

2. The most frequent source of errors is a poorly trained translator.

However, just like in legal and marketing translations, a poorly educated translator is the most typical reason for translation errors in the medical area. Let's look at two instances:

Medullary thyroid cancer: Occasionally, the phrase "spinal cord cancer" is used when the correct term is "medullary thyroid carcinoma."

When it comes to mild dementia, the word "light dementia" is frequently used when it should be "mild dementia."

In conclusion, nothing can truly substitute the expertise of a trained professional, particularly in the delicate field of medicine, to ensure the accuracy of a translation.

Need a translation? I’M Translation and ISIS Korea provides professional translation and interpretation services.

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