Memorial Day in Korea 현충일: How various Countries Celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial Day in Korea
현충일: How various Countries Celebrate Memorial Day

A national holiday in South Korea, Memorial Day is held on June 5 and honors the lives of men and women who died while doing their duties or fighting for freedom between 1910 and 1945.

It may be tough to imagine that less than 60 years ago, Korea was a perilous battleground with a cumulative death toll of over 2.5 million people due to the Korean War. North and South Korea are still formally at war even though fighting may have stopped years ago. For 35 years, the Korean independence movement sought to recover its independence from Japan.

Remembrance Day in England

Remembrance Day, observed on November 11, commemorates the conclusion of World War I. However, in England, the British Royal Family gathers outdoors for two minutes of silence starting at 11 a.m. It is observed throughout the British Commonwealth. In England, poppies have evolved into the day's emblem; wreaths made of them are placed at war memorials, and miniature artificial ones are sported on garments.


Germany returned to commemorating Volkstrauertag as a mournful day of remembering the fallen after a brief time in which the Nazi propaganda machine turned the day into a day of hero worship. On Volkstrauertag, which is observed on the Sunday that is closest to November 16, the German President speaks alongside the Chancellor, the cabinet, and the foreign service. In local provinces, veterans frequently march from their churches to war memorials, and the national hymn and the song "Ich hatt' einen Kameraden" ("I had a comrade") are played during the national event.

Dodenherdenking, Netherlands

Every year on May 4, a ceremony known as "Dodenherdenking" (Dutch for "remembrance of the dead") is held to honor all Dutch citizens and service men who have lost their lives in wars after World War II. The primary event of the day is taking place at the National Monument in Amsterdam's Dam Square, where the royal family is present. Two minutes of quiet are observed every evening at 8:00, and even public transit is suspended.

Days that are significant for national unity include Memorial Day, Independence Movement Day, National Liberation Day, and National Foundation Day. As Memorial Day has approached, it is important to remember those that sacrificed for the peace for the country.

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