Strengths and limits of ChatGPT's translation

Strengths and limits of ChatGPT's translation

Will you continue to use ChatGPT as your primary provider for translation and localization? This program has garnered a lot of interest for its translation capabilities among the several well-known machine translation solutions available on the market, such as DeepL, Microsoft Translate, and Google Translate.

But how accurate are the translations provided by ChatGPT?

How accurate is ChatGPT's translation?

Microsoft, Intento, and Tencent compared the translation output of GPT models with that of machine translation engines in an effort to assess ChatGPT's translation quality and assess its competitiveness. It turns out that the translation quality of GPT-3 can occasionally be good. Their findings showed that only a small number of languages, including English, German, Spanish, and Italian, can be translated effectively and consistently using GPT.

Even for those languages, GPT was unable to create translations of a caliber comparable to that of well-known machine translation software. Additionally, Intento discovered that ChatGPT performed noticeably worse in comparison

Can ChatGPT be used in place of human translators?

These types of inquiries always bring up the age-old argument of whether or not we ought to adopt AI translation in place of human translators. And the same response is given each time: "Well, it depends."

Machine translation might be appropriate for straightforward text translation. Even in these situations, you cannot rely completely on AI. You will always need a skilled translator/proofreader to assess the quality and correctness of the translation and fix any potential faults before publication because the chance of error is still present. To attain the necessary translation quality, for instance, while utilizing ChatGPT, a translator would need to compare the translations produced and then improve the output.

There are also situations in which machine translation should be avoided. Even a small error or mistranslation when dealing with complicated materials, such those used in the legal or medical fields, could have serious ramifications. Medical and legal writings require the skill and experience of human translators who have received training in the particular vocabulary, technical jargon, and complex concepts used in these fields.

And lastly, ChatGPT is inappropriate for businesses that deal with sensitive data. Sensitive data or content may be exposed or accessed by unauthorized persons because the data processed by AI models may move across various servers and systems. As a result, these businesses should use AI technology with extreme caution.

Technologies and human excellence

In conclusion, it would be stupid to place a wager on ChatGPT's translations. You should err on the side of caution because it only takes one incorrect translation to damage your business.

However, there is no disputing the benefits of OpenAI and machine translation. AI tools may make it much easier for translators to do their jobs, allowing companies to publish more content and expand their worldwide reach quickly. The key phrase in this sentence is "human intervention". The best results can only be achieved by combining the advantages of technology with human expertise.

Use the professional translation services provided by ISiS Korea and IM Translation to have the best of both worlds. Contact us to find out more!

Need a translation? I’M Translation and ISISKorea provides professional translation and interpretation services.

How might I’M Translation andISiS Korea aid translation?

At I’M Translationand ISiS Korea, we can connect you with a professional translators and interpreters. We have over 30+ languages available on our platform and we are flexible and available regardless of the language pair, topic, and time zone. Please visit us at and to request a free translation and interpretation quote. Thank you


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